RSPCA Medway West Branch

View our rabbits and animals for adoption

What to do if you are interested in adopting from us

If you are intrested in adopting an animal please contact the centre. We also provide bunny bonding where you bring your rabbit / guinea pig to the centre and we try and find your animal a friend.

How you can help us

Our staff are game for anything and we are open for suggestions on what we can do to raise money. We are also are pleading with members of the public to help fundraise for us and will offer all the help and support we can. We can provide collection tins, banners, support material, sponsor forms etc. We will also help publicise any event/sponsorship.

If you can:-
- Arrange an event on our behalf
- Could you be sponsored to do something
- Are you able to offer us a stall at an event
- Are you able to do a bootfair for us as we have plenty of stuff but not the volunteers to do them.
- Could you offer us something to raffle or auction
- Could you donate good quailty items to sell
- Could you make something for us to sell

Please contact us with any suggestions or ideas.

Money Donations - Could you afford to send us a donation? All money goes to the up keep of the animals. Please make cheques & postal orders made payable to the RSPCA, or by Make payments with PayPal - it’s fast, free and secure! or send by post or drop into our clinic or cattery. Any donation no matter how big or small is always gratefully received.

Food Donations - Could you donate some animal food? We are always in need of animal food of all varieties also vegetables, fruit, hay and straw.

Other Items - We are always grateful for any pet items that we could use such as, cat baskets, toys (for all animals), scratching posts, cages/pens, cat litter, newspapers, blankets, cardboard boxes,branches from fruit trees, beds, bowls, water bottles, e.t.c

Fund Raising - Could you hold a fund raising event to raise money for our animals? As we are only a small branch, with a small amount of volunteers, we do not hold many fund raising events. We would be happy to help assist any event and can help by providing collection boxes, leaflets and logo material. If you could arrange or hold a fund raising event please contact us by either, phone and post or by e mail.

Advertising - Could you display a poster advertising our small branch or ad us to a website. Any free advertising is a great benefit to us, as we do not have the funds to advertise and prefer to spend our money on the animals.

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Contact Details

Please contact rescues to make an appointment before visiting them or giving up an animal.

RSPCA Medway West Branch
Chatham, Kent

01634 681187


Donations are always welcome and can help us in a variety of ways.

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